martes, 20 de enero de 2015


Last Thursday, 15 th Janaury we went to Vigo to see a work theatre called "Spinderella".
It was about two sisters called Cindy and Becky. 
Cindy is nice, she is 17 years old and Becky is horrible, she is 23 
years old.
Cindy likes singing, swimming and football. Cindy cleans the house and dreams of singing on the TV karaoke show.
We liked it. It was funny!!

lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


O pasado día 15 de xaneiro o alumnado de 5º e 6º visitamos o Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo para observar e comprender como con materiais de oficina tamén se poden crear obras de arte. Así nolo demostra IGNACIO URIARTE na súa exposición
                                        "Uns e ceros"